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Surgical instruments Needle Holders Ligature Needles
PH-726-24 Brunner's ligature needle, 240 mm
PH-781-30 Brunner's ligature needle, 300 mm
PH-780-30 Brunner's ligature needle, 300 mm
PH-727-25 Claus van Eicken's ligature needle, 230 mm
PH-723-20 Cooper's ligature needle, 205 mm
PH-761-21 Deschamps's ligat. needle, for the left hand, blunt, 215 mm
PH-759-21 Deschamps's ligature needle for the left hand, blunt, 210 mm
PH-763-21 Deschamps's ligature needle for the left hand, blunt, 215 mm
PH-769-22 Deschamps's ligature needle for the left hand, blunt, 225 mm
PH-773-23 Deschamps's ligature needle for the left hand, blunt, 225 mm
PH-771-22 Deschamps's ligature needle for the left hand, blunt, 225 mm
PH-775-24 Deschamps's ligature needle for the left hand, blunt, 240 mm
PH-779-28 Deschamps's ligature needle for the left hand, blunt, 280 mm
PH-745-21 Deschamps's ligature needle for the left hand, sharp, 200 mm
PH-743-20 Deschamps's ligature needle for the left hand, sharp, 210 mm
PH-758-21 Deschamps's ligature needle for the right hand, blunt, 210 mm
PH-762-21 Deschamps's ligature needle for the right hand, blunt, 215 mm
PH-760-21 Deschamps's ligature needle for the right hand, blunt, 215 mm
PH-768-22 Deschamps's ligature needle for the right hand, blunt, 225 mm
PH-772-23 Deschamps's ligature needle for the right hand, blunt, 225 mm